Braska is a creation of Square Soft and is a motivation/background character in Final Fantasy X. As the man who will one day be High Summoner, and therefore Lord to my protagonist Auron, Braska plays a central role in Legendary Guardian. He is also a central protagonist in the stories Braska’s Journey and Bonds of Love. Square does not give an official character description for Braska on their web site. However, after much investigation and research I have determined the following: Male – Age 35 at time of his defeat of Sin. A priest of Yevon, Braska became a Summoner and resolved to Journey after his wife died in an attack by Sin. This woman, who in the game remains nameless, was of the Al Bhed race and therefore considered to be a “heathen.” As a result, Braska was largely shunned and his attempt to gain the Aeons and defeat Sin thought to be a joke. As a Summoner, Braska is a mage and has the ability to call Aeons to his defense in battle. Has one daughter, Yuna, age 7 at the time of his death. Various conversations and recording spheres in the game give insight into the kind of man that Braska was. He, apparently, was a friend to Cid (the leader of the Al Bhed) and the woman he married was Cid’s sister. The two ran away together and Cid was furious over the event, straining his relationship with both the priest and the sister to the breaking point. The wife was attempting to repair the damaged relationship with her brother when Sin attacked the boat on which she traveled, killing everyone aboard. Braska was a soft spoken man, prone to peacemaking, and apparently had a fun loving and congenial nature. He often laughs, even in sad or strained situations, and is constantly shown trying to smooth ruffled feathers between the characters of Auron and Jecht during their pilgrimage.
In attempting to create Braska for LG (and later for BJ and Bonds) I used the Kiersy Temperament Sorter. Braska is an INFP according to my interpretation. If you aren’t interested in checking out the full profile explanation, here’s a smattering of info: |